Subject: On the Star Prophecies
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002
From: Jack Barr
To: Jack Barr ; ; yyyyyy@yyyyyy.yyy

Hi there,

I have been led to examine the "Star" prophecies from Raymond Aguilera. A Star can be a person, a Spirit Being, or an actual Star in the heavens, such as our sun, a meteor, or a comet. I was led to examine the Star such as a meteor, etc. Some believe that they have seen confirmations of some of them because of recent events. The following attachment is what I found, and I submit it to you.

With the Love of Jesus Rev. Jack Barr

The Star Prophecies
From Raymond Aguilera

By Rev. Jack Barr
March 22, 2002

There are many signs in the heavens which shows the Almighty God's Power, and there are many who will claim that each sign, as it happens, has been foretold by one or more prophecies. They claim that this prophecy, or that prophecy has been confirmed, but they have left out key elements of these prophecies in order to make them match the event.

There is a common thread which runs through the following STAR prophecies. These prophecies have to do with a star, piece of star, or meteor, striking the Earth, which has not happened yet, but will happen in the very near future as prophecided both in these prophecies, and in the Biblical prophecies, before Jesus returns to set up His Millennial Kingdom.

Revelation 6:13-16 "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;"

The part which says " And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places." Is a clear reference to Job 9:6; Isa. 13:13, 24:20; Ps 46:2; Mk 13:24-25, and Ray's Prophecies #118, 133, 198 (only a few of more) which warns us that the earth will tilt, or leave it's orbit. For this is what will happen when the Earth shifts. A strike on the earth by a large meteor can cause just this effect, which the Bible says will happen. And note also the fear of the people, all the people of the world, not just a few.

Revelation 8:8 "And the second angel sounded, and, as it were, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and the third part of the sea became blood;"

Revelation 8:10 "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as though it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters."

Now let us look at these prophecies of a star, or stars, striking the Earth.

33. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 January 91 in tongues English.

I sent, I sent and it's coming, and it's coming, there's a piece of star coming your way. There's a piece of star coming your way My Children. Yes, you're going to be frightened. You're going to be afraid. You're going to be scared.

I am sending the star. I am sending the piece of the star. It is in the sky. It is in the sky. If you'll look, if you'll look real hard, if you'll look real hard, you'll see it. You'll see it very soon.

You'll see it very soon. And that's a sign. And that's a sign of things that I said that are going to happen.

Of all the meteors which have been seen in our lifetime, there is not one which has made all the people of the earth AFRAID, or SCARED, and this prophecy says that this piece of star will cause the people to be afraid. We became excited when Shoemaker-Levy9 hit Jupiter, we were thrilled when Hale-Bopp came by with if great show. Everyone wanted to see it, but I know of no one who was afraid of it.

This piece of star is yet far away, hard to see, you have to look Very Hard to see it, and it will scare the people when they realize that it Will hit the Earth. And they will be even more frightened when it does hit the Earth and they see and feel the effects of it.

142. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 July 1992 at 4:56 PM.

I see a ball of light, or star, I don't no where it's coming from, but it's hitting the planet earth. The star is pretty big, maybe a meteor, it looks like a ball of light. That's all.

145. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 July 1992 at 1:18 PM. in English.

The Star is on its way. It will strike, and hit the atmosphere with such force that you will know that the end is upon you. The train of life, the train of life will deliver you, if you focus on My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Power of the Holy Spirit. He will cleanse all evil, eradicate all that Satan has touched. For the hour is here, for the day is here. For the moment that the Christians have been looking for will come, upon the Star striking the atmosphere. So saith Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe.

284. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 February 1993 at 1:26 AM.

I had a vision of a Star moving through the Heavens, and moving toward Earth; a black rock.

492. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 June 1994 at 7:14 AM

A vision of a clearly seen white light like a star moving through the blue sky.

1021. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 March 1997 at 8:02 AM

I am going to send an Angel, and the Angel is going to point a star, a rock, from the sky. And when My Angel pushes the star, the rock, lets see where you are going to hide. For here comes the pit of the sky, and it is going to hit with a Force that is going to frightened all of the world.

All that you have to do is wait for the rock of the sky. For here it comes, with the Force of God.

You are going to be frightened.

1028. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 April 1997 at 12:27 AM:

I told you about the star before it happened; I told you to look to the sky years before it happened. And people are now just beginning to see - what I showed you years ago. They got frightened - like you were frightened when I showed you the star that hit the world, and still to this day, they make fun of you.

1344. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 June 1999 at 5:55 PM.

The Lord gave me a vision of a ball of light or a meteor hitting the atmosphere of the earth with intense heat. (over)

1551. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 September 2000 at 1:27 AM.


Then the Lord showed me telescope to look at the stars.


Then the Lord said, "Look to the sky, look to the sky for you will see the star coming very soon." (over)

1656. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 October 2001 at 10 PM.

I hear all - this and that; and everyone believes they are right, but it is going to mean nothing when the star hits the planet.

Look at all of the above prophecies. They say:

There's a piece of star coming your way
it's hitting the planet earth.
It will strike, and hit the atmosphere with such force
moving toward Earth;
a star moving through the blue sky.
it is going to hit with a Force that is going to frightened all of the world.
I showed you the star that hit the world,
a meteor hitting the atmosphere of the earth
you will see the star coming very soon.
when the star hits the planet.

Each of the prophecies say, or point to the same thing, a meteor which will hit the earth. Any meteor, or comet, which just passes by the earth, is not the star which will fulfill any of these prophecies. There can be no confirmation of any of these prophecies until the meteor, or comet, is close enough to the Earth to be know with certainty that It Will Hit This Earth. All the others are certainly signs in the heavens, and show the power of God Himself. But That One Star piece will be THEE sign.

Rev. Jack Barr


Just a few additional comments about these prophecies.

Not Hale-Bopp meteor March/April 1997 - very bright meteor passed Earth at a distance.

Previous Confirmation of #33 left out a critical part of the prophecy in order to point to Hale-Bopp comet. They left out that the people will be FRIGHTENED, AFRAID, SCARED, which did not happen with Hale-Bopp.

Not Shoemaker-Levy9 July 1994 - Hit Jupiter, a great show.

And then, Just found, a New Comet. And I have no idea if this is the one we should be looking for or if there is yet another.

From the Panama City, Florida "News Herald" Sat. 16 March 2002

Amateur astronomer sights new comet

Sierra Vista, Ariz. --

Amateur stargazer Doug Snyder had spent days scanning the skies with his 20 inch reflector telescope hoping to find something new when he happened upon "a little gray smudge."

The little smudge proved to be a very big deal; It was a new comet.

The Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- the Harvard University-affiliated clearing house for new discoveries -- confirmed Tuesday that Snyder was the first person to sight the comet Monday as it streaked through the Aquila Constellation in the heart of the Summer Milky Way galaxy.

A Japanese amateur astronomer, Shigeki Murakami, sighted the comet a few hours later and is considered a co-discoverer.

The find was dubbed Comet Snyder-Murakami.

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