Partial Fulfillment of Thomas Gibson's Prophecies

As shown in Thomas Gibson's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr

Last update - 1/12/2004

It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr

Many prophecies from Thomas Gibson have multiple prophecies or parts within each numbered prophecy. Therefore, the part fulfilled does not include everything in the numbered prophecy, but only the one part listed here.



1995 09 22.1 Weather patterns will no longer be the same
1996 05 09.1 change in earth weather.
1998 01 10.1 storms shall take a stronger toll on your life ways.

These prophecies can only be partially fulfilled at this time because the changes are not yet complete, and will not be until after the earth tilts, and stagers in orbit, as the Bible tells us will happen. Yet we see that the weather patterns are, and have been for a time, changing for the worse even by the end of 2003. Note that on Jan 9-10, 2004 there has been a "freak" cold wave dipping deep into the south, dropping temperatures to lows in places lower that man has ever recorded for those areas.

The following articles describes how the experts views the weather patterns lately.

From (posted Jan. 2003)
The weather patterns that the prairie region has experienced over the past decade appear to have been more variable and less predictable than those of the previous few decades. The prairies have recently been subjected to several late spring snow storms, an early fall freeze-up, hot summer winds and above average winter temperatures alternating with cold spells of unprecedented severity and length. The greatest concerns, however, are related to the potential problems associated with the increased risk of drought on the Canadian prairies.

Record disasters create challenges

Disaster News Network (only parts of the article are quoted here.)

ARLINGTON, Va. (Nov. 25, 1998) -- Disaster relief organizations, are feeling the impact of shifting and increasingly violent weather patterns.

"Freaky things have been happening," said Jane Gallagher, the director of disaster response for Catholic Charities. "We had an ice storm in Maine last winter, which doesn't happen. We've had tornadoes in Albany and Florida, and a lot of weird weather."

"Whether it's El Nino, or global warming, (violent storms) are on the rise," Thomas said. "The best thing to do is keep the public informed, and arm them with information." Posted Nov. 25, 1998