A Glorious Story

A Glorious Story

By Rev. Jack Barr

I have a Glorious story to tell. Praise Jesus, My brother just died and went to be with Jesus.

This is what happened.

Just over a year ago my brother was living a life of deep sin and was teaching his daughter that there is no God. He had divorced his wife years before to live with a man. Then, he developed some kind of brain lesions which, in less than two months, took him from fully functional to totally paralyzed from the neck down. It didn't take long before his body began to waste away and he had great difficulty in speaking even a word or two. I visited with him ( I live in another state 1000 miles away) and he refused prayers and became upset in hearing me explain the bible to one of my nieces.

Now came my Lord Jesus to me, waking me in the middle of the night, and said "Pray for Bob". (My brother) I don't know how long I prayed that night while everyone else in the house slept but I cried out for Jesus to either show Bob Himself or to show Bob Hell. After praying in both English and in tongues, I suddenly started singing in tongues and knew that I had prayed through and was released from praying because my prayers had been answered. Jesus then said to me, "I showed him hell and he came to Me." Praise the Lord Jesus.

After returning home, I heard a few weeks later that two weeks after I had prayed, that Bob started to cry one Sunday morning because he couldn't go to church with my sister who was taking care of him. The following week, My sister asked Bob if he wanted to talk to a priest, he did, and a priest came in and spent several hours with him. Praise Jesus for my brother had come to Jesus. For a while Bob gained weight and again could speak clearly. Bob was put into a nursing home where he was able to sit up in a wheelchair and had the nurses take him to every religious service they had.

Two weeks ago I received a call that Bob was dying. My wife and I made the 1000 mile trip in about 24 hours, and I saw my brother Bob in the hospital before he went to be with Jesus. He was unconscious and breathing very hard and labored on 100% oxygen, using only the top 1/4 of his lungs or less. I prayed for him and felt that he could hear us.

Right after I left the hospital one of my nieces who was staying with him reported that Bob suddenly gave a very deep breath ---- then they thought that he had stopped breathing,--- but then realized that he was breathing normally and very peacefully. My niece then told of waking up with her head on the bed and her hand on his legs that had not moved in over a year, only to realize that Bob's leg was moving. Then both legs were moving like he was walking. Bob never regained consciousness and very peacefully passed over to be with Jesus. I praise Jesus for healing his body just before bringing him home, answering our prayers for his healing.

At the viewing, I was privileged to have been able to lead one young lady to give her life over to Jesus, as we prayed together and helped her to ask Jesus into her life.

As a minister, I was asked to officiate at his funeral. This was a rare privilege, knowing of a certainty that my brother Bob went to heaven. And that is a Happy time!

I write this and post it here to Glorify Jesus and His Father who have answered so many prayers for us. To God give the Glory.

I do have a request for prayers for my sister. I know that each and everyone of you will pray for her. The reason? While at the viewing for my brother I was able to speak to many persons about Jesus and heaven. My sister was overheard saying, about me, because I continued to speak of Jesus, "He doesn't know when to quit". Yes I do know when to quit trying to bring everyone to Jesus, just as every one of you Christians know also. It is when every man, woman and child on the earth is worshipping Jesus. Then I can stop and concentrate on worshipping Jesus. If my sister doesn't know that, then she needs prayers. I thank all of you now for praying for her, knowing that you will continuing to pray for her until either her death or yours. Prayers are the most powerful thing on this earth.

Rev. Jack Barr

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