What does it Represent?

As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr

It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr

The Prophecies

47. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 7 May 1992, 2 AM. in tongues, English, Spanish, Non-understandable tongues.


The sign of the Hog and the Saber tooth Tiger will cling to the Hornet . Woe be to the world . Woe be to the world, to the blind , to the deaf . (Non-understandable tongues?)


Here comes the pig .

53. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 May 1992, Sunday at 1:19 AM. in Tongues, English.

Russia will eat the hog . The internal organization will eat the hog . For the Power and the Glory is Jesus Christ ; For the Power and the Glory is Jehovah ; For the Power and the Glory is the Holy Spirit , the Blessed Trinity, is the God of all . The hog will be eaten by the Russians . The day between the hog, the Lamb, and the coming of the Ritual will light up the sky .

So I said it, so it will be done, for Russia is the hog, for Russia is the hog.

55. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 May 1992 in tongues, English, Spanish, and Non-understandable tongues.

The day of the hog is here, the day of the saber tooth is here , for the fangs of the saber tooth are sharp, to rip apart . Come, you faithful students of the Bible , for the wisdom and the knowledge of the tiger , with his teeth, will manifest itself, on the Land and Property of the people , that have spears and arrows . But the defenses of the people , with the spears and arrows , will conquer the saber tooth tiger with its fangs . For the hog deceived the saber tooth tiger . And the saber tooth tiger fell without having a chance to retaliate . It was not aware that the support would never come . For the deliberate act of the saber tooth tiger to go to an area that the hog , the boar do not agree .

For why, for why, for why is the coming of the hog upsetting the Multitude of Christians. For the star will land at the valley, where the Deer and the Goats partake in the Peace Treaty .

73. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 June 1992 at 1:48 AM. Thursday in tongues, Spanish, English, and Non-understandable tongues.


Hear Me! What I mentioned earlier of the World, of the Star, of the Sky, of the world is going to start, the 30th of July in the New Year, but the year of God, of Christ, I cannot tell you . But the 30th of July is going to start the date of the war with the Pig .

What a shame of what's going to happen on that date , because they are going to die, many people , you have to watch the River of Blood because the river is going to get high with the Blood of the War . Hear Me, the picture of the War (non-understandable tongues?) They fell, the Valiant ones that fought in the War of Christ , but they have risen themselves up once again. And this time they are going to fight to the end . The Pig is going to learn who is the God of Gods and the King of Kings.

74. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 June 1992, Friday at 2:45 AM. in tongues, English, and non-understandable tongues.

For the Beast and Hog will conspire an elaborate Plan to Conquer the Western World . For the development of the Money , of the Economic Conditions of the World will befall upon the Beast , who will decide who will survive the financial collapses of the Monetary System . For the Power of Wealth , the Power of Arms , the Power of Political Movement will all fall into place with the collapse of the Monetary System , which will bring into Power the Beast and his followers .

90. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 June 1992 at 12:55 AM. in English.

I love you Ray. Since you can't sleep, let's talk. Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future . The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments .

97. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 June 1992 at 10:04 AM. Thursday in Spanish.

The Pig has a Vehicle. The Vehicle that he uses to hear what the People are saying . The Vehicle that he uses to learn what's happening behind doors and walls because he wants to know everything . The Pig wants to know everything. The day is here now that you won't be able to say anything , and you're going to have fear to hear what's happening, for the ears of the World are everywhere . You won't be able to trust anyone . For your Brothers, your Mother , your Father , and your Wife could send you to Jail if you don't think like the Pig What a shame, it is a shame.

108. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. in Spanish and non-understandable tongues.

But look, the time has arrived of the Cross, of the Crooked Cross . It has arrived. For what I say is the truth. You have to watch the Crooked Cross . The Star is going to come, and its going to hit the world like a Hammer , and the Star is going to be, because the pig, and the dogs, are going to run after everything that is , and what they want in this world.

112. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 June 1992 at 3:45 PM in Spanish.

The pig with his friends are going to eat all they can until their stomachs burst . They are going to want to eat My Children , My Sheep with all the bad that they are going to do .

141. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 July 1992 at 4:56 PM.


There are five or six armadillos with their plated skin going in one direction. Then, they change into pigs. I can't understand this but they did somehow and now five or six pigs are running side by side from the right to left. I see a beaver beating his tail in the water. I have no idea what this vision means, it's totally bizarre.

206. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 September 1992 at 1:20 AM. in English, Spanish, non-understandable tongues.


To be brave, to be strong, for the day of the rat, the day of the dog, the day of the pig will commence when the Star of David is approaching Mount Zion. For all the Plans of Lord Jehovah God have been mapped out . The Lord Jehovah God, Creator of the Universe , Creator of the Heavens, of the Stars, of the Moon, of everything that will be, of everything that has been , is telling you the truth. When the Star of David approaches the Planet Earth, will be the day of great Celebration , the day of Peace , the day of War , so saith Jehovah , the Creator of the Universe , of all, with My Son and the Holy Spirit. (Non-understandable tongues?)

282. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 January 1993 at 10:51 AM. in English, Spanish, and non-understandable tongues.

The pig that made everything dirty is going to begin to run with the branches that don't believe the Word of God. He is going to munch on the branches, and he is going to fill his stomach with everything green of the branches. My Son is going to stop the pig, yes with the spear.

For there is the pig looking for the branches with his pointed teeth. I tell you these things with Love. I tell you these things with tears. I tell you these things because they are the Truth.

Place your eyes toward your Christ, toward your Father, toward the Holy Spirit, and only your Christ, your Father, and the Holy Spirit. If you trust the pastors, everyone who believes they know something, the pig will eat them. I am telling you this in seriousness. For I don't care what name goes on your church, for the churches are of man. They are not of My Christ, the Holy Spirit, and your Father. For man has changed the Word of your God. They believe they are gods, the pastors, the ones who believe a lot of themselves.

315. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 April 1993 at 8:58 AM. in Spanish.

Yes My son, the point of My She Bear. The point has arrived. Get up, begin to write everything that I am telling you in the manner of God. For the flames of the world are going to start. They are going to start in the day that the pig eats the things of God. Oh what a shame! What a shame! That the people of the world don't see the things that are in front of their nose. What a shame! For here comes, "The End." And they are deaf and they are blind. What a shame My son, what a shame!

320. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 April 1993.

While typing the PropheciesI saw a herd of pigs. It is hard to explain it, but I saw them on their ground level. I was standing about as high as their shoulders. They were stampeding and going in my direction. A large mass of "Pig flesh." Like what you would see in the movies of a herd of buffaloes or cattle running shoulder to shoulder. What startled me was I wasn't very tall and the pigs were taller than me.

324. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 May 1993 at 6:03 PM. in Spanish.

But pray and pray for here comes the whirlwind that I told you about. Here comes the earthquake to California. Here comes the pig. Here comes the dogs, all the soldiers, all that is evil, all that is of the pit. For they are hungry for the Body of My Son. But there is My Son with His Angels fighting in Heaven, and in the world, all that is filthy. For We have started to clean everything, and it has arrived, the day of suffering, the day of the devil.

326. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 May 1993 at 9:05 AM. in Spanish.

I tell you with the Love of Heaven everything that you see that is evil, is going to come. The pig is ready. The coyote is ready. All the animals that I told you about earlier are ready and they have their teeth pointed with their tongue sticking out, with their wet mouth. They want everything in their hands, in their teeth, with the mind of the devil, with the mind of everything that is filthy. They are ready. Now they want to stop all that is good, all that is of God. I tell you these things for it has arrived, the day of the dog, the day of the pig, the day of the coyote, the day of everything, the day of the devil. Now My children I want you to pray, and to pray, and to fast, and to fast.

330. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 June 1993 at 10:10 PM. in Spanish.

Arm yourself with the Word of God My Little Son. It has arrived, all that I have told you, all that's going to happen with the Fever of everything that is Good, all that is of God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is your Father with the Word of Heaven. It has arrived, the pig, the rabbit, the dog, the elephant, the coyote, the tiger, and the Match. DON'T FORGET THE MATCH! For I am going to burn everything that is evil, all that is of the devil. Put everything down, write it with the Mind of God, with the Mind of everything that is Good. It has arrived. For it is Mine. For it is Mine. For it is Mine. Non-understandable tongues.

534. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 August 1994 at 9:56 AM. in Spanish.

The time that I am going to give you in the coming months are going to be important. For you have to send the Word with your friends to all parts of the world rapidly and to the point, for time is running out. The time of peace, the time that you need to send the Word of God. Then I will give you what you need so you can save yourself from the pigs, from the rabbits, from the dogs. You and your family, and all of your friends, that are helping you. For the day is going to come that you're going to have to hide rapidly.

546. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 September 1994 at 3:08 PM. in Spanish.

Remember Reymundo, that I told you. Watch yourself of North Korea for they are on the loose, the pigs of the devil, with the force of the demons. They are going to begin to move to the south. Yes! For they are hungry for the blood. Yes! It has arrived the day of the war of Korea. (over)

597. Vision:

A tree with a lamb sleeping on top of it. This was a full size tree, but the lamb was just as large as the tree. Then the lamb changed into a pig chewing on an apple.

600. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 September 1994 at 6:19 PM. in Spanish.

The Scrub Board use the Scrub Board. It has arrived the things of Heaven. They have arrived, all the manners of the pig . The pig arrived with the flame of the devil. Hear Me! It has arrived; everything in South America . Yes! You have to send the Word and to the point. For the people of South America still don't know that here comes the end of all. They don't know a thing, but here comes the fire crackers of the devil to make the noise of the devil. For the filthy men are ready with the fire crackers, with the license of the devil to do what they want.

702. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 March 1995 at 11:05 PM. in English.

I want you to do what I tell you tomorrow. For tomorrow will be the judgment of the leadership of the Body of My Son. For the hog and the beast will come together.

822. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 October 1995 at 9:30 AM.

A vision of a raised platform with a place to light a fire, with a small concrete barrier around the outside of the platform. It almost looked like a water fountain, but it was made for an open fire. And all round this lit fire pit were big fat pig s with their backs to the fire. There were hundreds and hundreds, and thousands as far as I could see, all facing away from the flames. (over)

1054. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 June 1997 at 2:37 PM.

The Lord gave me a vision of a beach, and on the brown sandy shore, there were piles and piles of dead baby pig s. These pigs were pink in color. (over)

1193. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 August 1998 at 6:30 PM. in Spanish.

The ham (or bacon ) [I believe this is the pig], yes Reymundo! Look at the ham! The ham is ready!

53 for Russia is the hog, for Russia is the hog.

53 Russia will eat the hog .

53 The hog will be eaten by the Russians .
53 The internal organization will eat the hog .

47 The sign of the Hog and the Saber tooth Tiger will cling to the Hornet .
55 For the hog deceived the saber tooth tiger
55 For the deliberate act of the saber tooth tiger to go to an area that the hog , the boar do not agree
546 Watch yourself of North Korea for they are on the loose, the pigs of the devil, with the force of the demons.

141 There are five or six armadillos with their plated skin going in one direction. Then, they change into pigs.
141 now five or six pigs are running side by side from the right to left.
320 I saw a herd of pigs. It is hard to explain it, but I saw them on their ground level. I was standing about as high as their shoulders. They were stampeding and going in my direction. A large mass of "Pig flesh." Like what you would see in the movies of a herd of buffaloes or cattle running shoulder to shoulder. What startled me was I wasn't very tall and the pigs were taller than me.

55 why is the coming of the hog upsetting the Multitude of Christians.
282 The pig that made everything dirty is going to begin to run with the branches that don't believe the Word of God. He is going to munch on the branches, 282 For there is the pig looking for the branches with his pointed teeth.
282 If you trust the pastors, everyone who believes they know something, the pig will eat them.
702 For tomorrow will be the judgment of the leadership of the Body of My Son. For the hog and the beast will come together.
597 A tree with a lamb sleeping on top of it. This was a full size tree, but the lamb was just as large as the tree. Then the lamb changed into a pig

315 For the flames of the world are going to start. They are going to start in the day that the pig eats the things of God.
822 And all round this lit fire pit were big fat pig s with their backs to the fire. There were hundreds and hundreds, and thousands as far as I could see, all facing away from the flames. (over)

74 For the Beast and Hog will conspire an elaborate Plan to Conquer the Western World . For the development of the Money , of the Economic Conditions of the World will befall upon the Beast , who will decide who will survive the financial collapses of the Monetary System . For the Power of Wealth , the Power of Arms , the Power of Political Movement will all fall into place with the collapse of the Monetary System , which will bring into Power the Beast and his followers .
90 the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments .

97 The Pig has a Vehicle. The Vehicle that he uses to hear what the People are saying
97 he Pig wants to know everything.
97 For your Brothers, your Mother , your Father , and your Wife could send you to Jail if you don't think like the Pig

1193 The ham (or bacon ) [I believe this is the pig], yes Reymundo! Look at the ham! The ham is ready!

326 The pig is ready.

324 Here comes the pig. Here comes the dogs, all the soldiers, all that is evil,
326 I tell you these things for it has arrived, the day of the dog, the day of the pig, the day of the coyote, the day of everything, the day of the devil.
330 It has arrived, the pig, the rabbit, the dog, the elephant, the coyote, the tiger, and the Match. DON'T FORGET THE MATCH!

47 Here comes the pig .
55 The day of the hog is here,

53 The day between the hog, the Lamb, and the coming of the Ritual will light up the sky .

73 But the 30th of July is going to start the date of the war with the Pig .

534 Then I will give you what you need so you can save yourself from the pigs

108 The Star is going to come, and its going to hit the world like a Hammer , and the Star is going to be, because the pig, and the dogs, are going to run after everything that is , and what they want in this world.
112 The pig with his friends are going to eat all they can until their stomachs burst
600 They have arrived, all the manners of the pig . The pig arrived with the flame of the devil.

73 The Pig is going to learn who is the God of Gods and the King of Kings.
206 the day of the pig will commence when the Star of David is approaching Mount Zion.
282 My Son is going to stop the pig, yes with the spear.
1054 vision of a beach, and on the brown sandy shore, there were piles and piles of dead baby pig s. These pigs were pink in color.


by Rev. Jack Barr

Prophecy 53
For a change, the prophecy tells us who the Hog is. For the Hog is Russia. A hog is a large pig, so we include the prophecies about the pig as also referring to the hog.

Again, the word eat can be interpreted as being the word "destroy". This being so, the prophecies that tell us that Russia will eat the Hog, or the Hog will be eaten by the Russians is telling us that Russia will destroy itself. The ruling people in Russia will cause the total destruction of Russia in the war with the United States.

Prophecy 47, 55, 546
The Hog (Russia) and the Saber tooth Tiger (North Korea) will give support to the Hornet (Japan, who is one of the ten nations of the Beast - prophecy 75, 876).

The Tiger (North Korea), in the middle of a war with South Korea (Beetle), will see the Hornet (Japan) join in the war against South Korea. At this time, the Hog (Russia) will promise help to the Tiger if they will attack the United States.

The Saber tooth tiger will lead an attack on the United States with it's troops, expecting the promised help from Russia, which will not come because Russia has tricked the tiger. As a result the tiger will be destroyed by the United States.

Why is North Korea called the pigs of the devil? They are the one of the piglets of The Hog (Russia), or shall we say, satellite nations that revolve around Russia and are controlled by Russia.. We will see this again below.

Prophecy 141, 320.
The armadillos are nations that will join with the pig which is Russia (see prophecy 53) The armadillos are a group of nations that are working very closely together. The hard shell of their skin shows that they do not care what the rest of the world is saying to them. These will most likely be nations like Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia. Each of these nations has thumbed their collective noses at the rest of the world while attacking their neighbors, and are friendly with Russia. They have each told the world by their actions that they don't care if the rest of the world drops bombs on them, they are tough, they will do their thing anyway.

The vision of 320 is about Pigs (Nations controlled by Russia - Hog), but they are so many of them that run together that they are like the herds of Buffalo that once roamed the plains of the United States by the hundreds of thousands. When they ran together, nothing could stand in their way, and whatever tried was trampled underfoot.

Prophecy 55, 282, 702, 597
We can see the start of the fulfillment of these prophecies. The Pig (Russia) had opened up the nation for all religions to come in. They lifted all restrictions on religious services and the people flocked to the churches. By this, the Russians did learn who the Christians were. Now they have again started placing restrictions on churches. They now know who to go after when they implement their plans. With these restrictions, they are starting to munch on the branches (Christians). That is why the Hog is upsetting the Multitude of Christians.

"If you trust the pastors" --- You must trust only God, His Word in the Bible, and His Word from the prophets that he sent. There will be no more prophets, they are all on the earth now spreading God's Word and Warnings about the Last Days. It is only when you have dedicated yourself to God in truth that you will listen to the Holy Spirit who will guide you in knowing the true prophets from the thousands of false. Trust the Pastors? If you are a true child of God, He will show you which pastors that you can trust. If you accept blindly any pastor, then many, many of you will fall.

While the above paragraph is true through out the world, the warning in prophecy 282 is specific for the Christians in Russia. So many of you are so new in the faith that you trust your pastor without testing the Spirit of that pastor. There are many pastors there who will sell out to Satan and the Hog to save their own necks there, but God's Judgement is coming on the leadership of the churches in Russia.

And the Hog and the Beast will come together to do the will of the Beast, to destroy the Body of Christ. How will they do it?? Look at prophecy 597. We said just moments ago that they did learn who the Christians are, and they did this by placing people inside of every church to pretend to be one of the Lambs, a fellow Christian. You will see them change to show their true colors very soon.

Prophecy 315, 822
The flames of the world will start, In the Day that the Pig / Hog starts to destroy the things of God. That is, to start destroying the churches and the church bodies. Anything that has to do with Christ will be attacked. The Greek Orthodox Church thinks that they are safe because they have been helping the Hog. They will find that the Hog, like the Beast has no loyalty. They think also that they have the protection of God as well. But God has already judged them. See prophecies 1295 and 1311 about the Roman Catholic and the Russian Orthodox Churches.

1295 Roma, Roma, Roma, why have you left me? For so many years I have cared and nursed you. Why, why, have you left me? I have protected you for so many years, but now you must pay also for all you have done against Me. When the hammer falls, you also will fall directly and to the point. You have forgotten like all the rest, Who is God. For this you will feel the Power of My Hand directly and to the point. This is Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit speaking with a heavy heart.

1311 The Lord placed in my spirit that the same thing He had said about the Rome, He was going to do to the Russian Orthodox Church.

And the piglets of the Hog will be warmed by the fire that the Hog will start and will stand guard against anyone coming in to put out the fire.

Prophecy 74, 90
Remember, the 1st Beast (antichrist), the 2nd Beast, and the False Prophet are alive and well in the world today and are all in place while they bring to fruit the plans of the Antichrist. Among those plans is the Economic Control of the World. The Monetary system of every country in the world will collapse. This will bring about the conquering of the world by peaceful means (Revelation 6:2), the first seal opened. He is allowed to conquer, having a bow but no arrows, by peaceful means. Now while the world will be conquered by the rider, his identity is not made known, and this rider, (the antichrist / Beast) will be behind the scenes, pulling strings but not known to most of the people on the earth.

Revelation 6:2 And I saw and, behold, a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The beast will use the Boar / Hog / Pig to spy on governments, and with what they uncover, they will be able to control the different governments.

Prophecy 97
This one sort of goes along with the above spying but does go even farther to include the people. First of Russia, then of other countries. "The Pig has a Vehicle." (So does every major Nation of the word today) Most people of the world have no idea what is involved here. It is technical in nature and involves both sound waves and radio waves. Be advised that there are microphones that are so sensitive that they can pick up the whispered voices of someone up to 1/2 mile away, while cutting out all of the surrounding noise. The Pig will use this to gather information for the antichrist.

With these instruments in use, you will not be able to trust even your own brothers, your mother, your father, your wife / husband, your children. For it might hear you, or it might hear one of your loved ones talking about something you said.

Prophecy 1193
A warning that everything is in place and ready to put into action the plans that Russia (Hog / Pig ) has made.

Prophecy 326, 324, 330, 47, 55
The Pig is ready, the soldiers of the pig is ready, they are ready to pour evil out on the earth at the command of the Devil. The dogs are ready to rip the flesh off the bones of the Christians. The Coyotes (those who claim to be Christians but are not) are ready to help the Pig find the Christians. The match, to light the fire that will sweep across the world, is ready to be lit. The day that the Hog dreamed about is here. He is coming just as soon as Satan says go.

Prophecy 53
When the Antichrist is crowned, the ritual will start the fire that will light up the sky and will release the Hog to attack Christians where ever it can.

Prophecy 73, 534
Russia, which is the pig, will start the war with the Owl on July 30th of an unknown year in the near future. You can expect the atomic bombs to fall on the United States within months of that date. This will then become a world War.

When this war starts, I, Jehovah will give you what you need to know so that you may save yourself from the pigs and the bombs.

Prophecy 108, 112, 600
The Star here is Satan who looses the war in heaven and is cast to the earth. He will take out his frustrations against the earth and against everything that even remotely serves God. Satan will empower the Pig and all of the other friends to go out and kill and destroy.

Prophecy 73, 206, 282, 1054
The Pig (Russia) will learn who God really is. For God is not the figment of imagination that the Pig thinks he is. For God is the God of Gods, and King of Kings. The Day of the Pig will be the day that Jesus Christ puts the Pig in the place that he belongs, for Jesus will stop the Pig and all of the Pig's satellite nations. The vision of the pigs on the beach shows what will happen to all of the pigs who thought that they were invincible because they were with Satan.

Rev. Jack Barr

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